.::Teratak Nurdai'e::.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

the usrah...

#The Usrah
One of the most important training and educational process in contemporary Islamic movements as well as other developmental and knowledge building programme such as the tamrin – courses, lectures, seminars, workshops, intellectual discourses, symposiums etc.
The usrah is an informal programme although it is a regular, consistent and continous function.
The usrah ought to be dynamic with interactive participation and should not be a one-way communication affair.

#Its Meaning
Literally, it means a family.
The usrah is a group of Muslim individuals getting together with faith in Islam, working and helping out one another, working together towards a better understanding and practice of Islam.

ts Aim
To uphold Allah’s syariah – commandments by mutual cooperation in enjoining good and God conciousness (taqwa) and to have complete trust in God (tawakkal); refraining from sin and enmity; guarding and cherishing one’s relationship with Allah and also one’s relationship with each other (amongst mankind).

#Pillars of the Usrah
i. ta’aruf – introduction and getting to know one another
ii. tafahum – mutual understanding
iii. takaful – equitabilty, mutual cooperation, assistance, care and concern

uty of the Naqib
To lead and facilitate the usrah; able to read the Qur’an and the hadith, have basic knowledge of Islam, an understanding of Islamic thought and the contemporary Islamic movement; have organisational management abilities and good morals.

i. Knowledge
ii. Brotherhood (ukhwah)
ii. Spiritual
iv. Organisational and Social

tazkiyatu nafsi

>Allah SWT memberikan kita dua telinga, dua mata, satu mulut dan otak di tengah antaranya, mesti bersebab. Dengar dan lihat kanan kiri, timbang dengan otak.

>Mencari lilin lebih baik dari merungut bila kegelapan

>Makin lama kita fikirkan sesuatu, makin malas kita nak buat sesuatu

>Dengan siapa kita bergaul, itulah gambaran masa depan kita

>Orang yang berada di puncak gunung itu tidak diletakkan di situ, sebaliknya mendaki dari bawah

Saturday, November 1, 2008